Miami airport - aeroplanes in view.

Throughout January and February, nine of the SpecTec Cruise team travelled to Miami, ‘the sunshine state’. The visits included project delivery activities, business value reviews with customers as well as discovery workshops with potential future cruise customers. It’s amazing how much you can fit into a few weeks with such a dedicated team!

A key project milestone

A key point in the Carnival project was delivered. User Acceptance Testing across all brands prior to initial ship deployment. SpecTec fulfilled a crucial SME role; to ensure support through the process and rectify issues as they occurred on site. It was also an opportunity to provide direct support to all Carnival attendees and further deepen our relationship with our trusted partner.

In total across the entire UAT process over 40 people were involved in AMOS testing. A remarkable logistical success!

Business Value Frameworks

We are currently runnings ‘Business Value Reviews’ with our customers, which is an important account management activity. This ensures that we collaborate closely to stay aligned to top priorities and continually develop our customer relationships. At SpecTec Cruise, we always strive to partner and to be a trusted advisor which ensures maximum value from AMOS.

This process also involves a constructive review of our existing relationship and solution value, how these can be improved followed by priority setting for 2023. The feedback from our customers was excellent; setting clear focusses for the year ahead. Its great to be able to do these types of sessions in person.

Miami diagram

New customers on the horizon

Spectec Cruise held a number of meetings with potential new cruise clients, we are very excited for what this year holds!

Cruise is definitely back

A common theme across all our conversations and engagements so far this year has been a consistent message; cruise is most definitely back! The positive outlook is incredibly exciting and we cannot wait for the year ahead. From the incredible booking numbers achieved across all our customers to the easing inflationary pressures, 2023 looks bright… here’s to more smooth sailings and happy guests!

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