Number of years with SpecTec Cruise

I have recently joined the team here at SpecTec Cruise, and have been in my role for just under a year now.

Can you provide a bit of background on your role at SpecTec Cruise?

I am a Business Analyst, and as part of my role I help SpecTec Cruise explore, develop, and evolve our solutions and future endeavours with a customer focus.

What do you get up to in a normal working day?

I spend my day participating in meetings and facilitating them as well as workshops on how we can improve our solutions. I also enjoy learning about new technologies and seeing how the industry is moving forward.

What is your favorite thing about working at SpecTec Cruise (so far)?

I enjoy the freedom to try new things and then share them with the team. I also like how we are encouraged to grow, and I have dedicated time out of my week for personal development.

What do you get up to in your spare time?

You can usually find me either outside doing yard work or at Disney World. We live in central Florida and there is a lot on offer, so we take advantage of this.

What is your favorite cruise ship?

It would have to be the Volendam as this was my first cruise ship and I was assigned to her for over 3 years and where I meet my wife in the South Pacific when we both worked onboard.

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